I promised a great friend that I would for sure blog before the end of the year...so this is for you Sherri - I promise to do better! wink wink
Mabry is @ a movie w/ her friends...how cute is that and Ruby is sleeping for a few minutes so this is my only chance before I start wrapping more presents.
I was able to have lunch w/ some friends today. How great was that. It was nice to catch up and actually be able to eat a hot meal (the kids were w/ my mommy dearest - thanks Babs). I will try my best to post a pic...if I remember how.
This morning Mabry woke up extrememly excited that Christmas is only 2 days away. I have to admit...I am excited as well. What a fun time to have little ones eeh??
After breakfast, Mabry decided to make a Christmas present for "our whole family". She is the best...she decided to draw stars on the chalk board. I so believe that she was sent to this earth just for me! Thanks for making my day Mabes!
Happy Holidays Everyone! Enjoy, jingle, relax and as always...BREATH.